Lee Valley Park

Introducing the 26 mile long, 10,000 acre park with its huge variety of award winning green spaces, world class sports venues and ecologically vital wildlife havens.
Visitors to London are spoilt with choice at this amazing Park
Starting with Nature parks and Gardens
If you simply want to wander and relax in wide open spaces, quiet woodlands, and waterside environments, the Lee Valley is for you.

If gardens and heritage are what you’re looking for, take a stroll in the beautiful Myddelton House Gardens or Waltham Abbey Gardens and the neighbouring Dragonfly Sanctuary, where history, flora and fauna mingle in fascinating ways.
Next we have the Sports and Outdoors
Whether you’re decidedly sporty or just thinking about getting a little fitter, if you’re looking for fun activities for all the family or interested in taking a little gentle exercise, Lee Valley is the perfect place to start.

Cycling or walking on traffic-free country trails, boating, climbing, horse riding, golf, athletics, even white-water rafting – you can do all this and more in the Lee Valley. Here are just a few of the fun ways you can get out and about…
Next we have Wildlife Discovery Centre
Come and see our state of the art wildlife centre and see what’s in the park as the seasons change throughout the year.

In the discovery room learn about the habitats and species around you as well as birds that visit the park. Listen to the sounds of wildlife that you can find in the park and learn about some of the history of the valley. Peek in our wildlife drawers to see what has been found around the park. Our wildlife cameras will bring live footage of what the local critters are up to and you can view them close up going about their daily lives. Relax and have a drink whilst being able to look out of the windows over the reedbed. Kids can play the migration game or draw some of the wildlife that can be seen and take their drawing home.